martes, 4 de octubre de 2016


My name is Javiera Basualto Palma. I wasborn in Rancagua, Chile. I didn't like the school, cause I didn't adapt easily, and  in my  school years I had many changes, I was in 4 different schools, like Instituto Regional de Educacion (IRE) or Gabriela Mistral school.

I love my family, they are an important part of my life, my beautiful mother is Angelica Palma, and the man with moustache is my dad, Jorge, I have 2 brothers, Salvador and Alonso, and, one sister, Macarena.

I have many hobbies... When I was a little girl, I really drew so much, everything that I saw, I drew it. Over time, I have many experiences, and my art is more sophisticated. On the other hand, when I was 11 years old, the belly dance  was an important part of my day. Currently, I still practice  to progress.

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