martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

My life's main events

1.- When I born, this is the beginning. My most personal moment.
2.-My first pet, Cocho, he opened the door for my future.

3.- My first day on the school, I'm not sociable, but in this moment I really can talked with every people in the classroom.
4.-My first boyfriend, I don't really proud about that relationship but He was the first in my heart.
5.- My graduation, because I felt that I managed a goal.
6.- My first day in the university, cause that it's the beginning of my new objective.
7.-When my cat, Kitty, arrived to my life, I felt so sad, and she was my lightning of happiness, I miss you...
8.-Every christmas, because I can see my family and feel the love, it's a perfect feeling.

5 comentarios:

  1. owww... the pets are more that an friends, they are family. I remember my dog Laika, she die to many many years.

  2. absoluty the pets are the best moments, like a children in our lifes :)

  3. I'm in love with kitty at the first time ♥.♥
